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SWAL Book Highlight

  Book Of The Week Picked By Librarian Rhys Hughes The Brain's Way of Healing By Norman Doidge MD
Recent posts
 A new 'How to...'  guide has been created for SWAL members on how to connect using SWAL technologies! Nice!  Using smartphones to run a presentation or commit to some self study, all the while enjoying SWAL Bluetooth integrated multimedia for maximum impact!

Workplace Health and Safety involving Multimedia!

Safety steps have recently been purchased to be used by members when operating projectors in the study rooms. It is important not to reach for the projector screen if it is beyond your comfortable limit, as this can cause injuries and accidents.  Your safety is our priority at all times.

SW Academic Library (SWAL) Computer Use Policy

1. Computer use is available to all SWAL members only. 2. Eating and drinking is prohibited around all SWAL computers 3. Computer areas are "Quiet Zones". Please be considerate of those who are working around you. 4. Accessing inappropriate websites will result in loss of membership to SWAL. 5. If you require technical assistance or encounter a maintenance issue, please see an IT service member at the front desk, or contact IT on ext: 5785 9911 .